I've realized that I'm on so many different social websites. From Facebook to Twitter to Tumblr to here, it just never ends. Haha. Oh! Deviantart also!
However, I believe this one is my most private blog. I had a private blog on tumblr for awhile until I shared it with a couple of friends who also had tumblrs. So I guess it's not private anymore. Its a fun place, though.
Putting that aside, I'll be going to Hong Kong during July of 2012. I've always planned to do a missions trip to Thailand during the winter of 2012, but I believe that Hong Kong is calling to me. I'll be able to reach out to my people in my original country which is super exciting. I'll also be working under the Chinese government, so that's a bit thrilling also. Now all I gotta do is find a way to pay for my flight. Heh.
Going back to social networks, Facebook in particular, I've almost come to a point where I wanted to delete it. I'm so tired of getting random friend requests from people from my association. Some of them have never met me nor have they even spoken to me. There are many who have spoken to me once, but that doesn't count. The worst part is: they're teenagers mostly. Annoying teenagers who complain about everything and are consumed by their so-called "love-lives". Actually I think the thing that bothers me the most is people who are either really really blatant about their relationships or those who are really pessimistic in their statuses. Sure, I'm happy that you're in a relationship but do you have to let the world know that you're thinking/missing them in your status every frickin' minute?
You know, I kinda wonder why some of them are in relationships. Being happy in one status while breaking up a minute later. And then getting back together and then breaking up again in like 5 minutes. If it comes down to this, well, OBVIOUSLY Y'ALL ARE TOO IMMATURE TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP.
As for those who are pessimistic, y'all just need to realize that you're fortunate enough to even be able to post your depressing status. There are villages in other countries where they only have ONE COMPUTER and DIAL-UP-LIKE INTERNET. Be more appreciative of what you have and don't take anything for granted.
Sorry for the random venting. But you know, sometimes, I just want to unfriend these people.
Since I'm just randomly venting, I'm just gonna end this with a letter I wrote to a guy:
Dear ________.
I don't talk to you anymore because I don't want to. We never had a friendship and we never will. I do not want to get to know you more because I am simply tired of trying to make new friends. I'd rather live comfortably knowing the friends I know right now rather than making new ones. Obviously, I have no interest in pursuing a friendship with you. I believe I've clearly made it clear that I do not want to hang out with you since I'm obviously uninterested. Will you please stop talking to me?
I hope you have a good day.