Everyone knows that I love my dear professor very much. I'm pretty sure he knows that I really really like him since I'm always blushing whenever I'm around him. I just adore him so much.
Today I planned to visit him. I set aside a specific time and I even made him a Christmas card. My reason for visiting him was just to see how he was and to wish him happy holidays. However, my plan didn't really follow through.
I was busy doing some errands before I left to go and visit him. By the time I reached ARC, I only had 10 minutes to talk to him since his class started in like 10 minutes. Anyways, I walked towards Davies Hall and up the stairs to the 3rd floor where his office was at.
Here comes the cute part:
When going up stairs, I usually stop for like a second and look up before heading up. When I got to the 3rd floor stairs, I collided with my professor. Well, not really. He was coming down as I was going up. I kinda stared at him for a few seconds since I was so surprised to see him. I smiled after wards though. As he was coming down the stairs, I told him I came to see him and then he gave me a hug.
We chatted for a few minutes and I gave him my card. It was almost time for his class to start so I told him I would walk to him to his class. We just chatted more until it was really time for him to start his class. Then we said our goodbyes and went our separates ways.
I'm going to visit him again on wednesday just so I can have more time to talk to him. Hehe. I love visiting him. (: <33