Jan 14, 2009


Blog 2

sup, homeslices?!

i be eating ice right now.

well today, i went to the court house to change my last name. it was a long procedure. we had to go to this 2-hour workshop to fill out paper work, then we went to turn the papers. now, i have to wait until february 27th to see whether or not my name is approved. actually, i have to wait until the 26th of february cuz apparently, the court house publishes what it does for courtcases the day before around 2pm. yeahh...

i dont really know how to do stuff around here. i tried to change my template but it wouldnt work. and i dont know how to follow people. WOO. yay for being a newbie.

so here at my house, we've been dealing with these kids who ding dong ditches us. its really annoying, liek reallly annoying. my lil bro and i told my dad and i was all like:

"`ey dad, you should disable the doorbell"

and he did, surprisingling.


also my lil bro and i established the fact that:

if you ding dong ditch a house once, you succeed. if you do it twice, you epically fail. this is because you cannot find another house to ding dong ditch cuz you're too damn afraid of doing it to another house.

those kids fail horribly; i laugh at them.


i hate those kids with a passion.

i said to my lil bro, if i could, i would shoot them. because technically they're trespassing on our property. the only reason why i havent shot them yet is because of the fact that i DO NOT have a damn gun.


i need a gun.


DavMatthew said...

Wow. Youre the queen of misguided tangents. From Ice cream to guns...

*laughs controllably*

Anji said...

Thats great.
What are you changing your last name to?


so far so good on posting everyday.