hai guyz.
its almost 1. xD
so i was browsing around youtube looking for the usual stuff i look for and i came across a video that totally made my day...even more. xD
anyways it was a video of a drama/recording of my two favorite actresses, mamiko noto and ayako kawasumi. not only did the video have those two in it, but it also was a drama/recording of the very few yuri manga/short story i love. :D
i totally squealled when i watched/listened to it. HAHAHAH.
before my obsession with pikari, i was obsessed with mamiko noto..i still am o 3o
(recent pictar of her)
she's so cute!- 3- <3333 face="verdana">anyways so here's how my day went:
i woke up, went back to bed, and woke up again. XD i had a sectional with liz today at 1:30 so i called king to pick me up at 1...he picked me up at around 1:15-1:20.
i was late to the sectional o _o..
liz and i worked on stuffz for a bit. apparently i wasnt breathing correctly so she was teaching me how to breathe. we also talked about alot of stuff...more than we were suppose to but she was all like...ohhhwell. xD
she also said that i was funny and weird. xD
i also made her laugh alot xD
now that i think about it, i do breathe correctly...xD
liz just intimidates me which probably explains why i wasn't breathing correctly. XDD
so after the sectionals, we went to go and get foodz at the bookstore then to the cafeteria o 3o
liz chilled for a couple of minutes then she left for her class.
after she left..i forgot what i did. haha.
then band...oh band. the rehearsal was our last one and like....we all did horribly. :/
kinda felt sorry for lishman.
abril, kelly and i kept on cracking jokes about kelly's car accident throughout the whole rehearsal. XD
yeh. went home afterwards and attempted to do curl-ups. xD
pocahontas is a loonnnnggggg song - _-;
my question:
if you could to choose to meet anyone in the whole entire world, who would you choose? o 3o
liek...ANYONE. XD
imma go and lift weights now. xD;
Yeah I felt bad too...guess it was a lazy day
Yeah. Poor Lishman...
We should, as a prank and when Kelly gets her car, wrap the ENTIRE car in bubble wrap. XP
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