Mar 6, 2009


you have to hava asa in amoderation. you cannot hava ass all the time! becausuh if you hava ass all the tiiiiiiime. then itisanot special.

Blog 52 - 17:52pm

i already used the word of the day in my other blog so..STFU...ahah. XD

today, i cleaned my messy messy room. still is messy because i stopped half-way to cook lunch. i also went to the social security place thing to change a couple of things.

i just realized that ive been quoting margaret cho in almost all of my blogs as of last week. or was it two weeks ago? i dunno. i just love margaret cho!

so i started a drawing project for myself but i havent really drawn anything. each time i tried to draw something, it turns out horrible and stuff. and it makes me sad. bleh. ive lost my inspiration to draw so i cant draw that well anymore. oh well.

I NEED A CREDIT CARD. so i can buy a stylus for my tablet. i still have my tablet but i lost my stylus and i need a new NAO. its been such a long time since ive drawn anything on my baby ):

i feel like paint chatting. or something. xD

i dont use photoshop that well anymore. i try but ehhhhh.... my style has changed soo much ever since i got my tablet.

for example:

this drawing was drawn with my mouse and on photoshop.

tablet and on photoshop.
see the difference?

the best i can do traditionally is this:

oh and that pomegranate picture. xD;

huhhhgghhh. i need a new stylus. - _-;

Blog end - 19:03pm

there isa ... there issuhh boy and his name is paul. and maammy like a paul, you know. hesa nice, nice boy, but hesa gay and he only likea two things. you know, he lika ass and judy garland and thats all. and a what kinda life is a like that? that sall! you know, there sa ass and ass over the rainbow. and thasssall!

1 comment:

DavMatthew said...

All your drawings are good! I had that same lack of inspiration for awhile and my style has changed over the years too. You just have to hang in there and have confidence! XD