Jan 31, 2009

you're all i ever wanted

you're all i ever needed

i want you back - *Nsync

Blog 19

suup homeslices?!

so today, i went to my friend's church somewhere in natomas. i liked it. /smile.
the church was actually a Laos church. laughoutloud. the hostess was really cute..and i liked her personality. /blush.

anyways after that, i went to my church for practice. fun. awesome. yeah.

afterwards, my Seths took me to the animania at suncoast in the sunrise mall. was alright. scary people though.
OH i saw kevin there! he was dressed up as a gothic lolita...with boobs. laughoutloud. i love kevin. /smile.

yeah. i wanna see her again. itll make me happy just to see her face. /smile.
i still think she thinks im weird. or annoying. but then again we were talking the other day..and she was all like: "if i didnt want to talk to you, then i wouldnt" /blush/blush. tehehehehehehehhehehehehe.

but yeah. im chillin' with my Seth's right now playin' halo. i suck at halo, so i gave up my controller.
i love my seths /heart



1 comment:

DavMatthew said...

NATOMAS??? I know where you were! *laffootlaowd*